Pricing Policy Update

Jericho, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

I said pricing policies was difficult and I tend to change them every so often depending on what I've been thinking about.  The latest update has been promoted by a conversation I had on Mastodon which made me realise I wasn't taking into account global currencies.  This is something built into physical goods obviously, but not digital downloads.  One option would be to enable location based charging.  That seems like a tricky thing to do and something easily avoided via VPN if someone wanted to.  Alternatively, reducing the price to try and hit a happy medium is relatively easy.  Plus I still have a tip jar if anyone wants to be more generous.

Albums on the Music page are now £3 because of this.

All rights are reserved on these.  Just normal digital download - buy and listen.

Albums on the Podcast page are now £5, single tracks are £1

For two reasons: the first being that they are 5 times longer than standard albums so I think warrant a bit more cash.  But also I want to offer a different take on licensing for these.  In some ways they are like stems, so when you buy them, I'm including something like a Creative Commons license (it's a shame they don't offer exactly what I'm looking for in CC).  So if you buy and download any Strange Textures you can:

  • Listen
  • Edit
  • Sample
  • Mix
  • Use elements in your own music commercially or non-commercially
  • Use it in film/video/multimedia/installation making

As long as you: 

  • tell people you have (i.e. attribute relevent bits to me with something like “Weird Guitars by James Hastings”) 
  • and don't just sell the same track to someone else (i.e. actually make use of it in your own work) 
  • and most importantly, tell me about it so I can check out the cool things you make!


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