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Happy Bonk Day to you!

I'm running a few days behind, but I contributed to a BonkWave Allstars track celebrating 1 year since BonkWave arrived on the scene.  It was fun getting involved and the timing happened to work as I had a little free…

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Season Four - And we're off!

Season Four has begun today with episode one - This Train Is.  In some ways, it's an enormous relief.  As a weekly audio diary, I don't feel like I need to keep writing things here every week while it's going…

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Genre Debate and What I Do in the Future

I watched this documentary today - Chris Packham's “Inside Our Autistic Minds”. I thought it was good, and as someone with some autistic traits, really interesting to see people I have some things in common (or close enough) with.  But…

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Season Four - I've started

This year has not gone according to plan.  It's not even like I make plans, but even vague ideas just got abandoned really.   Things got in the way.

I wasn't sure that there would be a season four.  I took…

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Being Sociable?

At the bottom of my pages it says “I am being sociable on Mastodon”.  I have been, and I'm not leaving there - there's really good conversations and really good music people and ideas and information and so on over…

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New Freebie: Drones?

Yesterday (25 May 2024) was both Drone Day and Towel Day, so it seemed like a good idea to make some noise that fitted both.  I'm not that specific usually with music, and true to form, I wasn't this…

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This is how the updates come

I've been thinking that I've not been very socialable on Mastodon recently, and I've got out of the routine of posting updates here a little.  As a result, I thought I'll pop a few updates on the socials, start a…

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Tidying up a bit - get in touch?

As I continue to recover, I thought some tidying up might help a bit.  My music page has grown a lot and seperating out podcast soundtracks from albums helped, but the names seemed weird and I wanted the navigation to…

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New release: Orbits

Orbits came about as a need for contrast with Hiperad.  Hiperad would be slightly unstable and potentially busy, Orbits then would be more drone-like and minimal.  At the same time I was working more with the band and enjoying beats…

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Not for profit

I came across this post on Mastodon:

The blog post is worth a read.  Essentially though, Dave is making his music available for free and pointing people towards charities he supports to make a donation.  I like this approach.  I…

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Take a break

I took an enforced break.

Nothing too serious, but it did make some things a bit tricky and give me a lot of time for thought, albeit not entirely coherant.

  1. My go to thing when I feel bad is to…
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Community Music

Strange Textures is the name of the podcast, the name of the website, the name of the project. It isn't the name of the band.  The question is, does the name limit the ideas?  The original project has run its…

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Community and music

So, after discovering that my approach to being self-contained on Mastodon leads to me disengaging from the community, I've been on a different instance and I feel more engaged, more part of something.  I see other people not being impacted…

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Goodbye Merch Store...

I've deleted the merchandise store.  Its another thing that I always felt I needed as a professional musician - because loads of places say that, and loads of people sell merch.  I really like all the podcast merchandise for example…

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In order to write, I have to align myself into lines that make sense, so the communication is linear in order to be understood.  This filter sits over the organic nature of reality.  When I play music, I'm still communicating…

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Closer and closer

The Hiperad cover art is all done, and so is Orbits.  In theory I could release them all now, but that would be an awful lot in one go.  I think I might do each as a collection of 3…

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Progress and waiting

Saturday morning.  An electrician is here doing some work and I'm waiting for all that to be done before I get on with my stuff properly.  In the meantime I'm doing a bit more cover stuff for Hiperad, so some…

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An insomnia driven post...

It's 3:14am at the moment and I've been up a while, so I thought I'd write a few things down as it's nice and quiet.

  • I've moved Mastodon instances.  Self-hosting was fine, but I'm not the most social of creatures…
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Project Updates

Now the reshuffle of Season 3 has happened, I'm working on a few things at once:

  • Editing the long versions into highlights.  That's going better than Season 2 to be honest, I'm not having to do much EQ and glitch…
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Season 3 Shuffled - Orbits

In order to work on editing Season 3 down to publishable albums I thought I'd start by separating out the different sections of each episode.  Effectively that means I've shuffled the episodes round.

The final (roughly 20 minutes) section of…

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Season 3 Shuffled - Essences

In order to work on editing Season 3 down to publishable albums I thought I'd start by separating out the different sections of each episode.  Effectively that means I've shuffled the episodes round.

The middle section of each episode (usually…

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Season 3 Shuffled - Hiperad

In order to work on editing Season 3 down to publishable albums I thought I'd start by separating out the different sections of each episode.  Effectively that means I've shuffled the episodes round.

The first section (usually around 20 minutes)…

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Site-wide links

At the bottom of each page, in the footer, there are some links.  I've just updated them to remove things like Spotify and Apple Music.  Partly because I'm feeling more independent, partly because if you use that sort of thing…

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