New release: Orbits

Orbits came about as a need for contrast with Hiperad.  Hiperad would be slightly unstable and potentially busy, Orbits then would be more drone-like and minimal.  At the same time I was working more with the band and enjoying beats.  So as an alternative to what I'd done with Strange Textures so far, I wanted to introduce a beat element in a simplistic way to give things a head-nodding, pulsing quality to work with the drones and textures.

I wanted to take you on a journey and give you space to rediscover your path, your mind, your self. Perfect for submersion in water or light, bathe in a psychedelic support system travelling through many significant galactic and intergalactic events. Dark, warm, sensual, and trippy. Improvised textural guitar over atmospheric treated drum beats.

Orbits is a compilation of tracks taken from the full 3 album series Pathless, Hateless, and Endless.  Like Hiperad, the compilation album will go onto streaming services and Bandcamp while the full series will only be available here.  This will be last music that I publish to those services and possibly Bandcamp too.  I might still experiemnt with Mirlo and Jam Coop and any other new services that seem to be good for independent music.

You don’t have to know where you’re going. There doesn’t have to be a purpose other than enjoying the ride and helping other people enjoy their ride. These are simple guitar improvisations over fairly slow drum beats, both washed over with effects to greater or lesser extents. The idea is to hold a mood or a thought or a colour for an amount of time and to be present.

There is no need for hate, it would be good if there were less of it in general. The reduction in fear and consequences could be very liberating for everyone. Minimal beats covered in echoes and filters underpin guitar and guitar synth improvisations edited down to reasonably short pieces with some melodies and a lot of texture and atmosphere. You can play this and help your loathing to evaporate.

In some respects everything ends, in others nothing does. It depends on your perspective. I wonder what is yours? Do you identify with this particular short span of life, or the seeming eternity of all the universes? Edited guitar improvisations over atmospheric drum beats become mind altering musical journeys along drone-like textures for soothing the soul over unimaginable timescales. I can barely believe this is how my guitar sounds now.

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